
Photography Portfolio WordPress Theme

Thank you for purchasing my Theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to submit a Support Ticket here.

You can also view my ThemeForest profile here.


Sepia – is a complete WordPress theme based on popular Bootstrap Framework. It fits perfectly for photographers, photo studios and design agencies. It looks great with all types of devices (laptops, tablets and mobiles). Create your own unique and beautiful photography website in minutes!


Disclaimer: I offer limited support for my themes. I only provide support for theme's core features. I cannot guarantee that this theme will work properly with all third-party plugins and server environments. If you plan on adding numerous plugins to this theme then please note, I cannot facilitate support for any conflicts that might arise with this theme's default functionality. I take no responsibility or liability for any damages or loss caused by using this theme, but I make my best to fix all errors that can occur.

To run this theme you must have a WordPress platform already installed on your server. You can download latest version of WordPress on it's official website. For information in regard to installing the WordPress platform, please read the WordPress Codex -

If you're looking for good WordPress hosting, I can recommend you SiteGround. I use their servers to host demos of my themes and I'm satisfied with the quality, performance and quick support. Even the StartUp plan is very fast. They can migrate your website for free and you have money back guarantee.

Note: Theme is compatible with WordPress 4.5 and above.

Installing theme

Extract the zipped package downloaded from ThemeForest (All files & documentation), in the extracted folder you will find file which is the WordPress theme. You can also download only theme files (Installable WordPress file only):


You can install the theme using WP admin panel or FTP software


Installing using WP admin panel

In WP Dashboard navigate to "Appearance -> Install Themes -> Upload" page. Select "" file. Press the "Install Now" button to upload and install the theme. Bellow are step by step screenshots:



After uploading the theme, you have to activate it. Navigate to Appearance -> Themes page to activate the theme.


2.3 Installing using FTP software (alternative)

Unzip file. Upload theme folder (sepia) to /wp-content/themes/ folder on your server.

You can use your web hosting file manager or some FTP software like FileZilla.

After uploading the theme, you have to activate it. Navigate to Appearance -> Themes page to activate the theme.



Theme comes with a few plugins to extend its functionality:

After activating the Sepia theme you will see info box about installing those plugins. Click "Begin Installing plugins".

Next activate plugins:

Theme comes with the demo content, to help you painless start customizing the page. You can use One Click Demo Importer plugin attached to the theme. It will import all data including posts & pages, widgets, menus and theme option.

First install the theme and activate all required plugins. Make sure that One Click Demo Importer is also active.


Then set up the permalinks:


Go to Appearance -> Import Demo Data and choose "Import Demo Data":


Click on the import button and wait. Importing can take few minutes so don't navigate away from the import page until you receive success confirmation.


Note: If the import fails (you will see memory error or a blank page) you can try to repeat the process few times. You can also import content without downloading attachments.

To update the theme install Envato Toolkit Plugin. Here is a tutorial how to use this plugin to update your theme:

You can also use FTP method and replace files located in the "wp-content/themes/sepia" folder.


















By default the homepage will show up your latest blog posts. If you want to show up a custom homepage (like in demo), you must create two new pages (Pages -> Add New) - one for homepage, second for blog page. For example you can create one page called „Homepage” and one called „Blog” (Note: you can choose other names, it's just an example). Pages can be empty for now.

Note: If you imported demo data, those pages are already created.

Then go to "Settings -> Reading", check  A static page and choose correct pages in select boxes as in screenshot:


Theme has many "Theme options" that allows you to customize the page. Many of the options are required, so make sure you check all of them. You can access options from dashboard or from live customizer. Most of page, post or albums options you can override in specific page settings, so treat Theme Options as a default settings and adjust them in single page options if needed.







Most of the options are obvious but below I will explain a few:


Footer type:

You can choose one of the 6 types of footer. You can add widgtes only to the Default Footer. They are divided in the three columns:



Skin switcher:

You can add a skin switcher to the page. It will allow visitors to change the skin between dark and light sheme. Please remember to add light and dark logo versions in Theme Options



Load with Ajax:

You can choose the pagination type:



or Ajax

Sepia comes with the Albums Custom Post Type. Albums allow you to create galleries.

First you have to create a page that will display your Albums. Navigate to "WP Dashboard -> Pages -> Add new" and create a page with "Albums" template.



Next go to "Theme Options -> Albums" and choose this page in the "Choose Albums Archive Page" field:



Single Albums is a gallery that contains photos and provides additional information. You can for example add author, model, locations data.



You can group Albums into categories. Every category can have a thumbnail image.



This will allow you to create filterable Albums grids:



Sepia allows you to display Albums Archive and Single Albums in many ways. You can use grid or carousel layouts, specify margins, sizes, title appearance and much more. Please refer to the demo page to see what is possible.

You can specify default Albums settings in "Theme Options -> Albums" but all of them can be overwritten for specific Album in it's "Page Settings".

Theme Options -> Albums:



Page Settings:






Sepia comes with "Testimonials" customs post type.


Creating Testimonial

To add testimonial via WP Dashboard navigate to "Testimonials -> Add New Testimonial" and fill all required fields



Displaying Testimonials

You can display testimonials using Elementor Page Builder. You can find more info about this Drag and Drop plugin in the "Elementor Page Builder" section.

You can set many options while adding this Elementor Widget:



And don't forget to check some advanced settings that allows you to specify margins, padding or background:


Sepia comes with "Pricing" customs post type. With "Pricing" you can create nice tables that gives brief information about your offer.




To create a pricing navigate to "WP Dashboard -> Pricings -> Add New Pricing". You can specify default Albums settings in "Theme Options -> Pricing" but all of them can be overwritten for specific Pricing Table in it's "Page Options".

To create Pricing Archive Page (page that will display all pricing tables) navigate to "WP Dashboard -> Pages -> Add new" and create a page with "Pricing" template.




You can also display Pricings with the Elementor Widget:


You can create a header slideshow using "Slides" Custom Post Types.

Every slide has additional fields: Subtitle and links. Don't forget to add "Featured Image" as this will be our slide background.



You need to organize Slides into Slideshows. When you want to display a Slides Carousel, you select a slideshow category and Slides Carousel will be created from all slides that are added to this slideshow.



You can add a Slideshow to header both in "Theme Options" for default settings or in "Page Options" for specific page.

Here is how it looks in "Theme Options":



And in "Page Options":



Theme uses WordPress Page Builder plugin to add an ability to design pages with drag and drop interface.

Please refer to the official plugin documentation to find how to use it:

I extended the plugin with custom widgets that allow to add theme specific elements:



All widgets come with additional parameters to control the data and the appearance.

And don't forget to check some advanced settings that allows you to specify margins, padding or background:


Sepia is "translation ready". it means that you can translate it to any language by editing language files.

language files are located:

Read more about translating theme: here.

Here is what you need to know on turning Sepia multilingual with WPML.

First, you need to to purchase a recent version of WPML, including the WPML String Translation and WPML Media modules.


Initial Setup

– Install and activate the core WPML plugins (WPML Multilingual CMS, WPML String Translation, WPML Media), and then other WPML plugins that may depend on them.

– Set up WPML from "WPML->Languages". See WPML Getting Started Guide for complete reference, but the initial simple three-step setup is self-explanatory, asking you to choose your default language, a set of active languages, and a language selector.


Translating Pages, Posts and other post types

To translate a page you need to go to "WP Dasboard – Pages" and in the list you will see columns for each active language, with a pencil icon (for ‘edit translation’) or a ‘+’ icon (for ‘add translation’) next to each page. Do the same for Posts and Custom Post Types (Properties, Agents, etc.).

Right now you just need to translate your page into the new language.



Read this to easily duplicate your existing content.


Translating custom taxonomies

Go to "WPML -> Taxonomy Translation". You can find all taxonomies there. You can add a translation to each value clicking on the pencil icon (for ‘edit translation’) or a ‘+’ icon (for ‘add translation’).

26.4 Translating Menus and Language Switcher in Header

WPML can synchronize menus for you. This means that if some entries, for example some pages, posts or categories, are in the English menu, WPML can generate and keep in synch menus for other languages pointing to the translated versions of these pages, posts or categories.

From WordPress "Appearance->Menus" you can see your existing menus and add menu translations and synchronize menus across translations.


Translating Sepia Options

When adding or editing "Sepia Options" make sure, that you chose "All languages" from the top menu language switcher. All inserted data will be default for all languages:



Go to "WPML -> String Translation" and from the dropdown on the top of the page (Select strings within domain) choose "admin_texts_sepia_options"
Translate all strings you find there. Make sure, you check "Translation is complete" checkbox. Every time you change Sepia Options, go back here and check if translation is correct.


Here are links to the resources I've used:



Images in demo site:

Note: Images used on demo site are licensed to their respective owners and are not included in the final download package! They are only used for demonstration purposes.

Once again thank you for purchasing my Theme. Enjoy!

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to submit a Support Ticket here.

You can also take a look at my other themes and templates.

Follow me on Themeforest to be notified about my new products.